It's been a little over a week since my last post. I've been through a lot since then, and I won't get into the details here, but I feel now the worst has past me.
Everyday I look online to find articles about my son and his ship, the USS Carl Vinson. Here is the lastest link that tells what those fine young men on that crew have been up to during their time in Haiti assisting in Operation Unified Response. It's coming straight from the Department of Defense website.
Here's the link: http://www.defense.gov/news/newsarticle.aspx?id=57691
I cannot tell you how proud I am of my son and those fine young men and women who are serving onboard all our American vessels in the Carribean giving assistance to those hurt and starving. To those critics who are out there saying the Americans are "taking over" and are knocking the job we are doing, I say, "Shut the hell up!" WE were there to help secure and organize a place that was thrown into utter anarchy, and I don't see anything about YOUR contributions to the people of Haiti.
I am proud to be an American Citizen, and most of all, I'm proud to be the mother of a fine Navy sailor named Alexander Thomas Crawford serving aboard the USS Carl Vinson.
I will keep everyone posted on Alex and how he is doing as we hear from him. Our only communication right now is via email, so I hear from him every couple of days or so. He's been keeping very busy, doing his job on the ship and off, so I'm thrilled when I see his name in my email inbox.
Thanks most to all of you who have sent prayers, good thoughts, blessings and well wishes to us and to my son. His Dad and I truly appreciate each and every one of you.
Until next time...
ADDITIONAL NOTE: The USS Carl Vinson (CVN 70) can also be found on Facebook and on Twitter. Give those fine young men and women a boost and drop them a nice, positive, encouraging comment or two. I'm sure they will gladly appreciate it after all the long hours and hard work they are all putting in. :)