Thursday, September 18, 2008

Good Things Happen In Threes

I know I might be stretching a bit here, but I am going to look for any signs of light in the darkness. Today we saw three little rays of light break through.

First, today after just over a year, the 35W Bridge opened to traffic. For those of you who don't know, on August 1, 2007, the original bridge collapsed into the river killing 13 people and wounding 145 more. It was devastating on many levels and the fact it opened TODAY, is a miracle in itself. The projected date was sometime in December. This means we have healed in some ways, putting that tragic chapter behind us and hopefully the lessons learned from that will prevent it from happening again. For those who survived and lost loved ones, I hope this helps bring some closure and some peace. Not only will this have an emotional impact, but an economic impact on those businesses that suffered because of the bridge being out. I hope this helps everyone down the line and brings all of us together.

Second, the stock market rebounded nearly all the points it lost yesterday. How's that for a great sign? While it doesn't cure the ongoing problem, there is a nice ray of light coming from there that this too shall pass.

Last, my new "friend" on MySpace, Diablo Cody, accepted my invitation to be a friend and she blogged twice yesterday and once today. I had been wondering what happened to her, thinking she must be super busy writing for her new gig with none other than Mr. Steven Spielberg. But she let us know she is still around, still kicking and put a few of her "haters" in their place. She's spirited, that's for sure, and that's what I like about her. No bullshit. Go to MySpace and search out her blog and subscribe. She's entertaining and original, and she's a "Minnesota Girl", after all. It was like a breath of fresh air, much needed and refreshing.

I hope you all find the little rays of hope that will get you through the day, in any way you can. I look for my own personal "lucky signs": pennies on the ground, a soaring bald eagle (must be the Native American in me), a good laugh, a great quotation that sums up what I seem to be searching for (the words to express how I feel), and another chapter completed on one of my many book projects.

What are your "lucky signs"? Share them with me.

And keep the hope alive, any way you can.


theauthormike said...

Looking for good signs is a great idea, but finding them when you least expect it are wonderful. I fell a week ago here in the apartment building taking laundry downstairs and tore up both of my legs pretty good. Did what I could here but it wasn't healing and was looking infected so I went to the emergency room. Two hours later I was walking out again after treatment and a prescription for an antibiotic. I repeat, 2 hours. Granted it is a little out of the way and a lot of people don't know about it but now I'm home and will soon be as good as new. Or at least as good as a 60yr fart could possibly be, LOL.

As for the economy, it's all my fault. I hope to soon have my book, "Read My Shorts" published and now everyone is going to be too broke to afford it. So just blame it on me.

thewriterslife said...

LOL, had to laugh at what Mikeee said. Signs. Well, hm. I'd have to think and my brain is fried. ;o)

Laura M. Crawford said...

Mike, you need to let me know when the book comes out! I will interview you here and on my other sites too, once they are up and running. I hope to have them all going by Oct. 2, 2008, and will send an announcement through the group.

I hope your legs are healing up, and thank God you didn't break anything.

Dot, I'm glad to hear from you too, FFG! :) I know you have had a lot of signs and I'm glad to hear you are happy in your new place. I read your post recently about riding around on your bicycle, and man, I remember as a kid, that's all I ever did. Mom had me running to the store because I had a basket on the front with flowers on it and did you know I could fit a whole gallon of milk or a full sack of groceries in that basket? That was also back in the day when you needed a note from your Mom to buy cigs for her or Dad. Since I lived in such a small place, everyone knew who my parents were, so there was no reason for ID.

I hope business is going well for you, it seems to be and we need to chat sometime. :) Thanks both of you for "dropping in"! LOL!

Laura :)